
A warm welcome is offered to all who wish to share in worship through the following sermons and prayers.


The minister leading us in worship is our Minister, Rev. Tony McNeile.


I was too busy to think about such things when I was young. My priority was to keep a job and provide for my family. There seemed to be a relentless pressure on my car – taking me to work and then coming home and ferrying children from one activity to another. Life was about surfing the wave and not falling off. Then the children left the nest. Their turn to ride the wave – I let it go and relaxed in the smooth water behind it. Time then to look at the sky and the moon shining in the evening. Time to watch things grow in the garden – and then decay. Time to reflect and wonder about it all. It seems like being part of a miracle and there must be a mystery behind it – what drives it all forward? What force is it that nudges our feelings when we look around us at what we are living in. What makes some people kind and why do we think the inconsiderate and the selfish are missing something? I am satisfied with what I own and what I am able to do with the money I have. After the surfing I realise there is something in life that speaks to me of soul and spirit and it feels good to acknowledge it.


Let us search earnestly and energetically for the spirit of life – by being still.

Let us listen seriously to the silence with the noise of living.

Let us take time to look at what is around us – at the tree and the flower; regard the bird, study the moving clouds, lift up our hearts and wait for the inflow of real life.



A list of Congregations can be found on the GA website www.unitarian.org.uk and on the UKunitarians website


If any ministers or lay preachers who already have their sermons and addresses on the internet and would be happy to be linked from this page, could they please advise the Secretary at: nuf@nufonline.org.uk

How to be involved

We are all friendly, approachable people and would love to hear from you. Whether you want to achieve spiritual awakeness or just fancy a chat with other like-minded people, we will always be here. 

Have a look at our facebook page for further discussion with more news and views.

And maybe give us a follow!

Start your spiritual journey today by using the contact form below to get in touch…