
The National Unitarian Fellowship offers activities for people of all ages.

Have a look below to see what events are taking place this year and let us know if any interest you.




NUF Manchester Conference 2024

 NUF Manchester Conference will take place at Cross St Chapel on Saturday 28th September, 10-4pm.    

Subject Community Arts Projects.  

Speaker Dr Claire MacDonald

More information to follow

Dorothy Archer 2023 Competition

Congratulations to Anne Mills of Bury who won the £250 prize by writing a new hymn. 


Would you like to be part of a new Unitarian Hindu Association?

Calling upon those Unitarians from a Hindu background or those interested in Hinduism and similar Eastern Philosophies. We would like to set up a Unitarian Hindu Association. You do not have to be Hindu to join this group, all are welcome.

We would like to hold meetings with speakers, opportunities to study and discuss Hindu concepts and to celebrate festivals together.

Unitarians share many values with Hinduism – most centrally, that there is a unity at the core of religious diversity. God can be experienced in many forms, with many faces, but underneath there is one ultimate reality. Like Hindus, Unitarians affirm the personal search for spiritual truth, the idea that all things are connected, and a respect for other religious paths.


For further information please contact Indra Sikdar at