Dorothy Archer Memorial Prizes

The NUF would like to honor the life and work of our late president, Dorothy Archer.

The following information and details regarding annual competitions have been donated from the estate of a well celebrated and generous woman.




cropped welcoming chalice

The prize fund has increased for 2023.

The theme of this year’s competition is ‘Technical Religion’.

The National Unitarian Fellowship is delighted to announce the establishment of these prizes in
memory of the late Dorothy Archer, member, past President and tireless worker for the NUF over
many years.
The prizes have been made possible by a generous bequest from Dorothy’s estate.
There will be an annual round of awards but the categories of award will change each year.
The awards for 2023 will be four individual prizes and one group prize.

Entry is free. Entries should be accompanied by an application form which can be
downloaded here.
Closing date for entries. 30 November 2023.
Note: The National Unitarian Fellowship may use the entries in its publication
News&Views and on the NUF website.
For more information e mail:

Prize £500

Digital innovation on the theme of ‘Technical religion’.
For example technology supports or substitutes in religious practice, from the rosary
bead to the hymn words projected on screens to Zoom and Youtube worship.
This prize is offered to an individual or group who can best show how Unitarians can
enjoy worship and information whether as individuals in the home or as a community


Prize £250

A poem, prayer or hymn which best demonstrates Unitarian values in worship.